Specific Risk Factors Useful in Predicting Psychosis in Teens

Schizophrenia is an experience that typically appears in the late teenage years. It is a most difficult journey for kids and their parents. As is often the case, early detection can make a significant difference in the course of this experience. Research published in a 2008 edition of the Archives of General Psychiatry indicates that specific factors can help to identify the risk for psychosis in its earliest stages. The specific risk factors are:

1. Deterioration in Social Functioning (e.g., spending more and more time alone in isolation from others)

2. Family History of Psychosis

3. Deterioration in Day to Day Functioning (e.g., drop in school grades, withdrawing from extracurricular activities)

4. Unusual, Suspicious or Paranoid Thinking (e.g., increase in beliefs that strangers are talking about you; suspicion that you're being followed)

5. Past or Current Drug Abuse

You can read the study here.

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